Get УРАЛСИБ - Microsoft Store

Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for УРАЛСИБ.

Unity - What's new in Unity 5.3

Windows Store Apps/Windows Phone 8: Прекращена поддержка Windows Phone 8.0 и Windows Store Apps 8.0. Windows Store Apps: ... Улучшено сообщение "The referenced script on this Behavior", теперь оно будет выглядеть так: 'The referenced script on this Behavior (Game Object 'Main Camera') is missing!'

Get Наш город - Microsoft Store

Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Наш город.

Introducing New Skype for Windows Phone 8.1 & Improved Skype ...

Apr 2, 2014 ... Anyone paying close attention to the news at Build will know that Microsoft has announced Windows Phone 8.1, which has been reinvented around you. And we 're excited to join them on this journey as we announce a new Skype app for Windows Phone 8.1 coming soon! Today, most people have their first ...

Get ВТБ - Microsoft Store

Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for ВТБ.

KNIPEX - The Pliers Company. - Продукция

PLIERS - KNIPEX, the leading pliers specialist - High Performance Pliers with complete Online-Catalogue, Pliers-ABC!

Get WP-seven - Microsoft Store

Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for WP-seven.

FFmpeg - Download - CHIP

22. Apr. 2018 ... FFmpeg 4.0 Englisch: FFmpeg ist eine quelloffene Sammlung von Audio- und Video-Codecs, mit der Sie Multimedia-Dateien in andere Formate umwandeln können.

CreateThread function (Windows)

Creates a thread to execute within the virtual address space of the calling process.

Windows 10 SDK — разработка приложений для Windows

Для установки пакета в среде Windows 8.1 и операционных систем более ранних версий необходимо предварительно установить KB2999226. Чтобы выполнить установку Windows SDK через Центр обновления Windows, перед этим необходимо установить последние рекомендованные обновления и ...

Upgrading from Windows Phone 8 to Windows Phone... - Pocketnow

What’s gone from Windows Phone 8.1. Hands-free instant messaging.

Socializing your app in Windows Phone 8.1 – Monkey Slaps

What can be extended? To open up the Windows Phone social hubs (the People Hub and the

8 things I miss after switching from Windows Phone to Android

Everyone knows that Windows Phone suffers from a lack of apps. The situation has been getting better, but there is still a ton of work to do.

Apps missing from app list, store says it's installed - Windows...

Now that a file manager is released (files), try downloading the app .xap file from and copy it to your phone.

How does Windows Phone compare to Android and iOS? - Quora

Originally Answered: What are the advantages of using a Windows Phone 8.1 over Android and iOS except for the lack of apps?

I Made the Switch to iPhone 6--and Now I Miss My Windows Phone 8.1

What Windows Phone Has that iPhone Doesn't. In pure industrial design terms, the iPhone 6 is beautiful--it's slim and functional.

c# - WMAppManifest.xml is missing from Windows Phone 8.1 Apps...

At least that's what the msdn link says. Still unable to figure out how come this is missing.

Windows Phone 8.1 includes universal apps and lots of... - The Verge

Windows Phones 8.1 includes support for "Universal Apps" that let developers build Windows Store and Windows Phone Store apps from the same shared HTML and JavaScript code.

From Lucas: Goodbye, Windows Phone! You will be missed...

That is why I really did not know whether I should write this post or not. However, ironically a post from our colleague Jason over at Windows Central has made me

Windows Phone 8.1 End of Support: FAQ - Windows Help

What does end of support for Windows Phone 8.1 entail?

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